Wednesday, March 26, 2014

hiding under the bed...

on days when the world is a little too cold and i just want to pull the covers over my head the following things always make me feel better. consider them the next time you need something comforting…

1. reading harry potter:
books have always been my bright light. sliding into old stories soothes my soul and helps calm me down. harry potter books are particularly good at this.

2. watching the west wing:
nothing is as comfy as listening to aaron sorkin dialogue and watching my favorite characters storm down hallways in the white house.

3. listening to my "moody mcmoodster" playlist:
included in this list is savage garden (no, i'm not ashamed), wakey!wakey!, U2, augustana, and jack savoretti.

4. cooking:
some of my best creations have come out of times when my spirit is all "swooshy." my favorite: parmesan mashed potatoes, you can thank me later.

5. snuggles with my pup: