in youth group the kiddos and i have been talking about self-discipline. partly because 30 Hour Famine is upon us and partly because its a good conversation to have with teenagers (frankly its a good conversation to have with adults). i've been encouraging my students to find ways in their lives that they can begin to practice this idea. but i think that an important part of leadership is showing your students that the talks you give and the bible lessons you teach, apply to everyone. so i've been looking for a way to practice what i preach.
hence for the month of february i will be a vegitarian. its something i've been wanting to try for awhile. i already love veggies and i find myself having lunch at green temple more often than i like to admit. but i also love me some red meat, chicken, pork, and above all else: FISH! so i have put off my little experiment because i haven't wanted to deny myself. but lately i have been thinking that a little dip in DE-NIAL (haha, get it? DE-NIAL/DE NILE) is good every once and awhile.
check back here for updates on how it's going. tonight is my last meal of delicious meat until march 1st.
You are my hero! I am excited to see how this plays out. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Awesome, it's like fasting from meat. That will be quite an experiment. I'm also taking February (mostly cause it's the shortest month) and I'm fasting from TV... well, sitting at home and watching TV (or DVD's) by myself. Which is hard, because it's something I love. But that's what fasting and self-dicipline is all about. So good luck Chels. Stay strong.
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