Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Apocalypse pt. 2

Well it's Sunday morning so it's time for another edition of: THE APOCALYPSE! If you don't know what that is read THIS! Today's list comes from the brillant mind of Kevin Thomas Cox. He created his list on the bus while we traveled to Forest Home. Although he doesn't write reasons like Aaron did, his list still makes me laugh. The fun part of Kevin's list is that you get to try and figure out why he wants the people he does with him. So without further ado...

The 10 People Kevin want with him during an Apocalypse:

1. Phil Eisenhower

2. Justin Kalama

3. Bret Cogan

4. Nikos Enfiedjian

5. Oliver Severios

6. Colleen Cox

7. Rachel Nazarian

8. Christina Mehrenbod

9. Chelsea Nazarian

10. Ryley Goldsworthy