isn't it crazy to think of how God speaks to us just when we least expect it. i can't imagine that moses could see the burning bush coming, and yet, there it was- BOOM! well tonight God hit me with a bit of that fire.
tonight i visited a church plant that my friends matt and jenny are working with. the first thing i noticed was how small it all was- small room, small group of people, small (but beautiful) cross. everything felt small and then worship began. from the very first chord i felt the room grow. my God doesn't fit inside small and He transformed a small space into a cathedral. i felt His presence so powerfully there. when the service was over i couldn't help but think that matt and jenny are laboring towards something so powerful. their little church is changing the world and there's nothing small about that.
i went home after church, but God wasn't done talking to me. i got a phone call tonight from four of my favorite people: mr. ben burton, ms. anna nicles, ms. bethany brown, and ms. avalon ragone. for those of you who don't know these fantastic four are students of mine and they are the best. they are passionate and smart. they light up rooms with their smiles and humor. these students are constantly teaching me what it means to really believe that God moves mountains. they may only be high school students, but they are also warriors for God. anyway, gushing about them has gotten me off track. they called because they want to go to D.C. to participate in the demonstration that Invisible Children is organizing.
whatever your thoughts on IC, i want you to pause a minute, because where they want to go isn't actually what i want to write about. i want to write about their hearts. these four high school students live across the world from the child soldiers in africa. they've never been to uganda. they don't have to care. but they do. they care, not because of a fad or because a celebrity told them to. my students care because God gave them hearts that beat in time with His. they care because they don't want to live in a world where anyone can abuse children. so i got an excited phone call. they're brainstorming ideas of how to raise money to get to D.C. and it was during that phone call that i remembered my God doesn't do small.
i believe with every fiber of who i am that these students of mine will change the world. one day you are going to read in history books about ben and anna and bethany and avalon. their passion is going to draw the sleepers and the dreamers to the throne room of the King. i for one, can't wait for that day. i also feel so honored to get to play a tiny role in their story.
if you would like to play a role in their story too you can contact ben, anna, bethany, or avalon on their facebook pages. they are raising money and every little bit helps! let's get these kids to D.C. let them chase their passion and see where it takes them!
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