Tuesday, March 10, 2009

continuing the love...

hi blog world,
so i was reading my friend haley's blog today (mostly a daily ritual for me) and she had posted a fun game. she is buying a book for the first three people to comment on her post. it's a way she's showing those she loves that she loves them. but the rule is each of those three people must in turn do something sweet for their loved ones. so... as a result i am going to write a letter (a real, honest to goodness written on paper, in my actual freaking handwriting, , get it in the mail, full of my love and devotion letter) to the first three people who comment on this post. the only thing i ask in return is that you find some way to pass along the game.
love ya and can't wait to see what happens,


Ryan Weiss said...

Chelsea this is awesome and it reminds me of the movie Pay It Forward, except in this version no one gets stabbed in the end.

theresa clare said...

Hahaha- Ryan is funny. Chelsea, I don't know how I'm going to pass it on, but I will think of something and let you know! Love you lots!

Bret said...

OK i totally want in on this and I already know how i'm going to pass it on. I'm going to cook for three people. So I'll be looking forward to one of those letters.

Chelsea Lee said...

yeah! i've got my three commenters and now i've got three letters to write. so you three email me your address or wherever you want your letter sent. i can't wait to hear how you all pass it along (bret am i allowed to be one of the people you cook for?)

Krista said...

that's so awesome Chels! What a great thing to do...and I agree with Ryan, it is like pay it forward! great movie!
anyways... love ya lots & i hope you have a fantastic friday!

Bret said...

I guess you could chelsea if you are one of the first three to comment on my blog. But then you would have to do the thing again. I mean there aren't any rules about it are there? You know what, you can probably just tag along on someone else. Whatever happens happens right?