Tuesday, May 13, 2008

what happens after "happily ever after"

this quarter i have been taking a course entitled, "human sexuality." we've been discussing everything from birth control to homosexuality. it's been interesting to dive into discussion with such a diverse group of individuals. anyway, today we began our discussion of marriage. i found myself sitting in the room shocked by how unprepared my classmates are. is it possible to be this clueless? here's the thing, the topic was MARRIAGE and yet for a good hour there was some major discussion on WEDDINGS! guys, i am not sure if you're aware of this or not- but those are two very different things. i am convinced that our society today puts too much emphasis on the white dress, flowers, and where the couple will honeymoon than the actual marriage.

i have a great example of one couple i know that did it right. my best friend leigh anne (lala, don't be mad that i am writing about you in my blog) and her husband jordan were married in august of 2005. their respective families couldn't afford to help pay for the wedding and so leigh anne and jordan had a $7,000 budget- TOTAL! that included honeymoon, reception, flowers, dress, the whole enchillada (as my spanish savior sal would say). i remember asking leigh anne if she was bummed that she wasn't getting her fairy tale day. do you know what my incredibly wise friend said, "no! because i am getting the prince and i don't plan on losing sight of him in exchange for one day of magic. i want a lifetime of magic."


Haley said...

SO TRUE my friend! Here is something Jon and I always tell our friends when they get engaged: spend MORE time and energy preparing for your MARRIAGE than for your wedding. A wedding is just one day of your life (albeit an important one), but you (hopefully) are married forever.

theresa clare said...

I am with you 100%.