''Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad. It's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.''

it was a sunny september afternoon. i remember grabbing my purse and shouting a quick good-bye to my parents as they headed for a well deserved nap. as i walked towards martin square the butterflies quickly grew to jurassic park proportions. i was terrified, which made me laugh because i was just going to meet my orientation group- it's not like i was hosting the white house correspondance dinner. i found my group leader and just stared at strange faces. as we stood in a circle, hiding from the sun and sharing the bits of ourselves that we'd polished the best, i wondered if i would even remember any of these people three years later. that was the beginning.
the middle? well that is harder to put into words. how do i begin to express the laughter, late night talks, and tears i shed here? i can't. but i can say that all of my friends and experiences here helped me become more me! i think that one of my favorite memories was thanksgiving re-mix. our house was bursting with joy that night. the boys breezing in carrying food, matt worried that shannon would be offended by his fake polar bear hat; the whole night was full of laughter. i remember at one point looking around the room and feeling like this night was perfect. even those that were forced to the kiddie table had a good time. it's nights like that that sum up my time in seattle- good friends, good food, good conversation.
the end? well, the end is of course sad and devestating and exciting. i cannot imagine not having family dinners or coffee dates with brey or movie nights with elizabeth. i do not know how i will survive without laughing with my amazing roomates and i know that i will desperately miss mothering these boys. but i am so excited for the surprises around the bend. i am really ready to start fresh. no "good-byes" but definately some "see you laters"!